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Close-up of a pipette dropping a liquid into a test tube, highlighting precision in lab work

Parts for the BioPharma world

Biologic breakthroughs have substantial impacts on patients around the globe. EPTAM is fully aware of what’s at stake. Our manufacturing processes have been designed to address the stringent demands of the biopharma industry.

When it comes to manufacturing critical parts for lab service equipment or fluid handling, no one stands-up to the achievements of EPTAM. Customers come to us with incredible challenges, and for decades we have proven our ability to step up to overcome these challenges. Whether you are designing equipment and parts for use with vaccines, recombinant proteins, cell or gene therapy, and any host of small molecular treatments, be assured we are ready.

Investing in your vision

In this rapidly evolving market, our clients are innovating new applications while seeking continual improvement to existing technologies. EPTAM’s team continues to pursue production opportunities to reduce costs while also improving instrument strength, agility and accuracy 

Scientist uses a pipette to transfer liquid into a bio-sample plate, showcasing biopharma research

Biopharma expertise: EPTAM has extensive experience and knowledge in the Biopharmaceutical industry, which allows them to understand the unique challenges and requirements of this industry and provide solutions accordingly.

Cleanroom manufacturing at EPTAM, ensuring biopharmaceutical product purity, safety, and efficacy

Cleanroom manufacturing: EPTAM offers cleanroom manufacturing capabilities to meet the strict cleanliness and purity requirements of the Biopharmaceutical industry, ensuring the safety and efficacy of the final products.

Robotic arm performing precision tasks with computer control, showcasing automation in manufacturing

Precision components: EPTAM provides precision components that are essential in the Biopharmaceutical industry, such as rollers, gears, and other parts that are needed for the production and packaging of Biopharmaceutical products. These precision components help to ensure that the final product is of high quality and meets the industry standards.

Design for manufacturing

What looks good on paper, and works by the numbers, doesn’t always ring true in real-life applications. That’s where the EPTAM’s team can be an invaluable resource. Our engineers approach your challenges with not only technical prowess, but practical experience, as well.

We are always thinking 3 steps ahead.


What’s the reality of scaling production?


How will QC be performed and even automated?


What materials and manufacturing processes will best suit the task at hand?

Readi! logo symbolizing EPTAM’s readiness to support medical device prototyping and manufacturing

Rapid development

Real-time Engineering and Development for Implementation is our solution to moving from concept to viable implementation. This process empowers our customers to move more quickly from development to full scale production. We reserve 4 locations across the United States each with unique prototyping capabilities and specialized engineering and sciences experience. Unlike many, we reserve these centers purely for our readi work. Your new projects are never delayed because of production demand on equipment. 

Ready to partner on
your next project?

Engage the experts.