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Molecular Diagnostics

Meeting the demands of molecular diagnostics

The rapidly growing test kit market has spurred unprecedented demand on the plastic and metal manufacturers. Products ranging from permanent kit parts to consumables have grown exponentially in the last few years. Nothing drives our team of employees to think smarter and work harder than knowing the impact we make on human lives.

The continuously evolving test kit technology improves how patients can track current health conditions, provide information on genetic health traits, and even diagnose a previously undiagnosed health issue. EPTAM is a critical part of ensuring these tests are accessible, reliable, and accurate.

EPTAM has been a longtime market leader for several reasons…

Cost mitigation

It’s long been a guiding philosophy during Design for Manufacturing to review all elements of a project. Imagine reducing the cost of production and assembly by not only single sourcing a project, but also because EPTAM engineers one part to replace nine parts. Well, we’ve done that. When it comes to deciding material selection and manufacturing processes, our team has helped countless projects reduce costs while maintaining critical tolerances and performance requirements.

Smarter manufacturing

While some Home Diagnostics have relatively low quantity requirements, many need to scale to larger runs with critical supply chain deliveries. EPTAM excels in taking products into production with a constant improvement on speed to manufacture, reduced waste, and integrated automation for production and quality control. We innovate in-house so you only realize the financial benefits.

Rapid development

Readi! logo symbolizing EPTAM’s readiness to support medical device prototyping and manufacturing
EPTAM has earned a reputation for being the go to partner for rapid development of products. With 4 locations strictly dedicated to prototype development, our ability to work with engineers from prototyping to DFM to full scale production. Challenge our team!

Production scaling

No other manufacturer has made the commitment of EPTAM. When any single piece of equipment reaches 70% capacity, we expand our fleet. This constant expansions allows us to meet all production demands while also driving the benefits of current technology.

Some of our work

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